Thursday, January 20, 2011

2011 Picture Book Marathon

Yesterday Nathan Hale posted about the 2011 Picture Book Marathon. The goal of the picture book marathon is to draft 26 picture books in the month of February. According to the PBM website, "A picture book is here defined as (1) a story or narrative, (2) with a beginning, middle, and end, (3) for children, and (4) intended to be illustrated. Remember these are likely to be rough, rough drafts." Also, they don't have to be illustrated (thank goodness). More information is at SSN ( and the PBM website ( It seems like a fun (although a bit time-consuming) project to try out. I'm all for trying new things creatively, so I might just go for it and see if I can do it. As far as I know, there's no penalty for not finishing, and it's all just for fun and to get creative juices flowing. Before I sign up, I'm going to see if I can come up with 15 general picture book ideas by this weekend that might expand into books if I participate in the marathon. I figure that if I can come up with 15 ideas in two days, drafting 26 books in 28 days would be possible. Is anyone else planning on participating?

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